Recorder of tourist train

Published:03-08 | Author: | Source:| 1520:Times onlookers


    The recorder for tourist train is a high-tech product with DV camera, photograph,  and SD/TF. It is mainly to shoot during running, which is convenient to take the evidence once there is accident.


    Mickrod can install the recorder and cameras to our kiddie ride train and other trackless trains as an optional part. In crowed street, theme park or scenic spots, it is much important to have the recorder to shoot everything when the train is running.


    The recorder of tourist train can be the third eye of the driver. Because the camera can shoot everything when the train runs. Once the accident occurs, the driver can see what happened from the recorder and make clear the liability, especially parks, street and big shopping malls. In this way, it can save more time and cost to deal with different accident. 

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